Thursday, November 13, 2008

Christmas Music

The local radio station was playing Christmas music on my drive to work today. Give me a break it isn't even Thanksgiving yet. I haven't bought the first Christmas present. No wonder by the time a holiday arrives I am tired of the holiday. Christmas music two weeks before Thanksgiving, there has got to be a law broken there somewhere. I may just have to listen to the satellite radio for the next two weeks and forget about trying to get the traffic report.


  1. I do love the name of your blog. It conjures up such happy feelings.
    Could I add, don't get your panties in a wad? or is that a bit too much?
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

  2. Ha, ha, ha. Don't look now, but I just bought a Christmas album today....running and ducking from you ;) Love your little reindeer fellow here and his sentiments...I may have to 'borrow him' to remember not to get my tinsel in a tangle ;)
