Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I went in the pantry to get Buttercup a dog bone and found this...

Mason made Cajun Chex mix last night. Apparently it is pretty spicy.

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David is back at work today. Bleeding has stopped and he is finally feeling better. Glad that little incident is over.

I got quite a bit of embroidery done while babysitting him.

Three more pieces if it to embroider. I will probably save it for some downtime.

Busy doing other little things like changing the supply line to one of the toilets that started leaking. Funny how those things happen when David is unable to do them.

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

My Black Friday

Since I couldn't go to any of the black Friday sales in the stores this year I decided to splurge on ordering the acrylic templates for the double wedding ring.
I just couldn't see myself cutting out all the pieces by hand.

Can't wait to get David to the doctor tomorrow. Been a long, long weekend.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

So Much for Sewing

Looks like there won't be any sewing this weekend.
I am on David watch until he can get into the Ear Nose Throat doctor on Monday. Exhausted. Two trips to the ER since Thursday afternoon, and I am sleeping on the sofa. I lost count somewhere after the 10th nose bleed. I have a photo of him in the back of the ambulance but he would be furious if I shared it with everyone, it wasn't his finest moment. And now he has a tube hanging out of his nose taped to his cheek, not a flattering look.

There is a funny story in all of this. David was already strapped in the ambulance with the EMTs and two of the firemen were in the house packing up. I was joking that the neighbors were going to think I beat him since he came out of the house holding his bloody face. The fireman said I should run out in the yard after him and yell "I told you to wash those dishes, you better do it next time." Of course later in the ER David said that when I was out of the room the ER nurse asked him if anyone had been physically abusing him.

I think I may have some hand embroidery I can work on.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I had a busy morning.

The fabric was just too tempting. Now I got that out of my system. Maybe I should work on something I need to get done.
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Friday, November 18, 2011


Mom's curtains are done. Now I won't feel guilty if I look at the double wedding ring quilt pattern I bought last week.

Although I am eyeing some pretty new fabric also. Hmmm... Too many choices.
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I can't work more than 40 hours so I have most of the day off.

Working on the curtains for my Mom's sliding glass doors. Hope to have done today.
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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mitten Commitment

The Mitten Commitment - What a neat project for the Salvation Army. Sew, knit or crochet a pair. I think I can get a few done this weekend. My sewing machine has been begging to get dusted off.



Peanut butter cookies as promised. Mason will be home from classes before David gets home from work. Good thing I made a double batch. And best if all the mixer didn't hesitate with the double batch.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Early Christmas

I have been wanting one of these for over a year now. The star finally alligned... It was on sale, and had a coupon for an additional 30% off and another $50 rebate.

I promised David if I didn't have to wait until Christmas to open it I would make him cookies tomorrow.

And for my sister... it is the Professional 600 Series, 6 quart capacity, retail $499, final price $229 plus tax. And yes I got the red one. Can't wait to try it out tomorrow.